I went to France this past weekend. Ok, I didn’t really, but last Saturday I imagined I was transported to France when I sat down with a glass of wine in my hand and looked out over the valley in Woodinville. It felt like spring was almost here in the Seattle area. Spring was almost here by the calendar, but the weather also supported that spring feeling. It was sunny and just plain beautiful.
My husband and I decided to head up to Woodinville for some lunch at one of our favorite spots, The Purple Cafe and Wine Bar, and then do a tasting at some of the wineries. Right near the restaurant, you can find 22 wine tasting rooms in just a short distance. We checked out two of our favorite wineries on Saturday, Brian Carter Cellars
and DeLille Cellars. These two wine tasting rooms were hopping with people enjoying wine and enjoying the day.
There are a lot of wineries to choose from in Woodinville. I counted over 60 listed on The Woodinville Wine Country site! Woodinville has become a magnet for locals and tourists alike who want to taste some of the great wine available in Washington State. Most of the wineries are located in and around the picturesque Sammamish River Valley.
[googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=14419+Woodinville+Redmond+Rd+NE,+Woodinville,+WA+98072&aq=0&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=32.38984,90.175781&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=14419+Woodinville+Redmond+Rd+NE,+Woodinville,+King,+Washington+98072&z=14&ll=47.731131,-122.140468&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
Locals come, tourists come, people rent limos and take group tours. It’s a fun thing to do around Seattle and you don’t even have to go to France!
What’s your favorite winery in Woodinville?