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How many homes sold in March, 2011 in your neighborhood?
The number of home sales for the eastside took a huge jump over last month’s total. Each month of 2011 has seen a big increase in sales.
Are the sales stronger than March of 2010? No, they’re not. But remember, in March, 2010, buyers were scrambling to buy to get the tax credit. This March, buyers are out buying because they’re ready to buy, not because a tax credit is dangling in front of them. It’s been great to see the amount of activity in each neighborhood on the eastside. In reality, it’s the hot homes that are selling. “Hot” homes are great values with a good price tag and are staged and ready to go. The homes that are not “hot” are taking a long time to sell and go through a lot of price reductions before getting an offer.
(Click on the cities below to see real estate trends for the past 5 years. You’ll find the median pricing for each city and whether the number of homes for sale and the number of sales went up or down. The odds of selling a home in each area is a result of the number of homes for sale divided by the actual number of home sales, so if 10 out of 100 homes sold, the odds of selling would be 10/100 or 10%)
The plateau: Sammamish, Issaquah, North Bend, and Fall City
The odds of selling a home were 23%.
Median sales price dropped: $497,500 to $466,500.
There were 637 homes for sale.
A total of 160 homes sold.
The odds of selling a home were 29%.
Median sales price increased by .5% to $467,250 from $464,995.
166 homes were for sale
A total of 64 homes sold.
The odds of selling a home were 32.5%.
Median price increased from $539,450 to $571,470.
281 homes were for sale.
A total of 100 homes sold.
Woodinville/Bothell/Kenmore/Duvall/North Kirkland
The odds of selling a home were 27%.
Median price was down from $396,725 to $359,900.
556 homes were for sale.
A total of 175 homes sold.
The odds of selling a home were 25%.
Median price increased to $559,000 from $515,000, an 8.5% increase.
278 homes were for sale.
A total of 84 homes sold.
The odds of selling a home were 25%.
Median pricing was down from $921,500 to $780,000.
169 homes were for sale.
A total of 46 homes sold.
Redmond/Education Hill/ Carnation
The odds of selling a home were 24%
Median pricing decreased from $529,450 to $461,950.
287 homes were for sale.
A total of 86 homes sold.
If you’d like more specific information about your neighborhood or home, feel free to contact me.