Even though we rarely get snow on Seattle's eastside, it can get pretty cold and wet here. When the temperature is 48 degrees and it's damp outside, it always feels so much colder. It's important to prepare for the cooler, wetter temperatures and the increased rain that happens in Seattle's winter. Wintertime will pass much more smoothly and faster if you take care of the items listed below.
Here are some a list of some of the important things to do to prepare your home for winter.
Clean the gutters.
Caulk windows and flashing.
Weather strip doors.
Clean the fireplace and chimney, particularly if you plan to use the fireplace.
Get your furnace serviced and your heating ducts cleaned.
Install a carbon monoxide detector. If you already have one, check the batteries.
Seal any entry points and cracks in your foundation.
Check your chimney cap. Repair or replace it if needed.
Cover hose bibs and drain hoses.
If you have a sprinkler system, make sure it's drained.
If you complete the above items before the winter weather sets iin, it will help keep you warmer and more comfortable during the winter. Plus, it will help maintain the integrity of your home and could potentally save you from some costly repairs.
Happy maintenance, Can you think of other items to add to the this list?