Looking back at November Seattle Eastside Condo real estate, we continued to see a seller's market. Inventory declined as the number of condos for sale dropped almost 20% from October. But sales were still strong, as 60% of the available condos sold. Not everyone just ate turkey in November!
I'm expecting to see similar results in December. Sales will be strong, but not as high a number as the peak month of August when over 260 condo sold. Still, with such low inventory, the chances of selling a condo that's priced correctly and shows well are quite high. Buyers are out looking and hoping to find a new home, even though it is the holiday season.
If you're thinking of selling next year, think about making a move early in the season. The pattern you see in the above chart is a typical yearly pattern. Fewer condos will be on the market the first few months of the year, so it's a great time to sell. There's less competition.
So enjoy the holidays and think about making your move earlier, rather than later next year. Happy Holidays!
If you'd like more information about the condo market or your condo in particular, please feel free to contact us. We're here to help!