[googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Bellevue,+WA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=23.403932,58.271484&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Bellevue,+King,+Washington&ll=47.610377,-122.200679&spn=0.310148,0.910492&z=10&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
How did January, 2010 compare to January, 2011 in your neighborhood?
(Click on the cities below to see real estate trends for the past 5 years. You’ll find the median pricing for each city and whether the number of homes for sale and the number of sales went up or down. The odds of selling a home in each area is a result of the number of homes for sale divided by the actual number of home sales, so if 10 out of 100 homes sold, the odds of selling would be 10/100 or 10%)
The plateau: Sammamish, Issaquah, North Bend, and Fall City
The odds of selling a home were 18%.
Median sales price hardly dropped: $499,900 to $493,975. Home values have been more stable here than anywhere else on the eastside.
The number of homes for sale increased by 4% and the number of home sales decreased by 4%.
A total of 118 homes sold.
The odds of selling a home were 28%.
Median sales price decreased by 9% to $409,925 from $450,000.
The number of homes for sale was down by 16% and sales were down by 14%.
A total of 54 homes sold.
The odds of selling a home were 19.5%.
Median price decreased from $559,900 to $460,000.
The number of homes for sale dropped by 10% and sales were down by 30%.
A total of 63 homes sold.
Woodinville/Bothell/Kenmore/Duvall/North Kirkland
The odds of selling a home were 18%.
Median price was down from $389,725 to $359,900.
The number of homes for sale declined by 3% and sales were down by 8%.
A total of 105 homes sold.
The odds of selling a home were 18%.
Median price increased to $506,950 from $499,950, a 1% increase.
The number of homes for sale declined by 19% and sales were down by 35%.
A total of 52 homes sold.
The odds of selling a home were 21%.
Median pricing was up from $899,000 to $1,000,000.
The number of homes for sale decreased by 11% and sales increased by 48%.
The total of 40 homes sold.
Redmond/Education Hill/ Carnation
The odds of selling a home were 20%
Median pricing decreased from $524,990 to $376,250.
The number of homes for sale decreased by 5% and sales decreased by 8%.
A total of 52 homes sold.
If you’d like more specific information about your neighborhood or home, feel free to contact me.