[googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Bellevue,+WA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=23.403932,58.271484&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Bellevue,+King,+Washington&ll=47.610377,-122.200679&spn=0.310148,0.910492&z=10&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
How many homes sold in June, 2011 in your neighborhood?
It’s uncanny to see how similar July real estate sales on Seattle’s eastside were to June’s sales results. On most of the eastside, the numbers varied only slightly from June. Twenty-three percent of the homes for sale on the eastside sold, with the Redmond and Bellevue area around Microsoft leading the way with 38% of the homes selling. In the majority of eastside neighborhoods, the chance of selling a home ranged between 20-23%.
The odds of selling a home in each area is a result of the number of homes for sale divided by the actual number of home sales, so if 10 out of 100 homes sold, the odds of selling would be 10/100 or 10%)
The plateau: Sammamish, Issaquah, North Bend, and Fall City
The odds of selling a home were 20%.
Median sales price dropped: $539,950 to $519,000.
There were 771 homes for sale.
A total of 165 homes sold.
Redmond/East Bellevue
The odds of selling a home were 38%.
Median sales price increased from $422,475 to $429,950.
189 homes were for sale
A total of 85 homes sold.
South Bellevue/Issaquah
The odds of selling a home were 24%.
Median price decreased from $599,475 to $578,500.
380 homes were for sale.
A total of 110 homes sold.
Woodinville/Bothell/Kenmore/Duvall/North Kirkland
The odds of selling a home were 23%.
Median price was down from $499,950 to $369,475.
598 homes were for sale.
A total of 158 homes sold.
The odds of selling a home was 23%.
Median price decreased from $549,900 to $541,500.
288 homes were for sale.
A total of 76 homes sold.
West Bellevue
The odds of selling a home were 20%.
Median pricing decreased from $1,299,000 to $1,074,475.
175 homes were for sale.
A total of 42 homes sold.
Redmond/Education Hill/ Carnation
The odds of selling a home were 20%
Median pricing increased from $548,000 to $549,000.
337 homes were for sale.
A total of 75 homes sold.